2016 has been the most amazing year I could have ever imagined. And I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my creative buddies at The Loading Dock for supporting me through my transition into the freelance world. If you've never visited them, and you love music, you really should check them out. They host a wide array of live events, including music from here and afar, group painting (all on one huge canvas), a ukelele club, and their own home-grown all-girl band "Not Your Mother", just to name a few things. They housed me for the past 7 months and I'm eternally grateful to them for being so generous and supportive.
August 1 brought a move to a new location (fly little birdie!), and I find myself (still half in boxes) exhausted from the move, and invigorated by the light, airy space by the Ammonoosuc River. I've only been here for one week and already it just feels like home. The Tannery Marketplace is a building steeped in local manufacturing tradition and history, and I'm very proud to be an artisan member here.
The building is inhabited with incredibly talented artists like Linny Kenney, an extraordinary leather artist (LinnyKenney.com), known internationally for her leather knife rolls, the yoga studio next door (rootedbystacey.com), Pam Alberts Massage Therapy (pamalberts.massagetherapy.com), a hat maker (mountaingoth.com) and many more thriving artists and businesses. You can find a list here - http://thetannerynh.com/rental-properties
Upstairs at the Tannery Marketplace
Working around the boxes!
The new studio (Serendipity - #18) is on the second floor. So, there were lots of grunts and groans these last two moving weekends - in an old building with no elevator! Serendipity is a shared studio with Meg Brown (megabugphotography.com and megaglowmarketing.com) and Angie Low (www.facebook.com/AngieLowAGLOW and megaglowmarketing.com). They are two energetic photographers/marketers brimming with ideas and talent. It's a perfect collaboration. Total serendipity!
If you find yourself in Littleton, please stop by and visit. We would love to show you our new place. And don't forget - Enjoy every single day. Love your life. And let those creative beasties run free! XO